One day a disciple, Kishor, offered me a book by Gandhi. I told him I wasn't allowed to read any nonreligious books. Next morning as I walked through the desert to find a place for my toilet, he followed and urged me to read the book. He said, "This book is religious in a deep sense, and therefore it is not wrong to read it." What Gandhi was saying was that religion is not religion if it does not help to solve the problems of this world, here and now. If religion takes a person away from this life and this society, then it is escapism. The search for truth is a continuous daily experience. There is absolute or ultimate truth, and the search for truth never ends. Every person's life is a kind of laboratory, and every person should make experiments with truth. Gandhi's ideas were in contradiction with my guru's teaching that as monks we should keep our backs to society and our faces toward God. According to the guru, people like Gandhi who involved th...